Where to begin in caring for the orphan?


Trust me when I say, "I get it!"

Darn, it all feels so overwhelming.

The injustice of this world keeps you wondering, "but what can I actually do?"

You know from James 1:27 that we the body have been asked to care for the orphan and widow.

My personal experience tells me, unless you know for sure you are called to have a child in your home the place to start is by helping others. Here is a list of how to get started.

If you're pretty sure a child in your home is what the Lord is asking of you then peek around at the following resources and call your local foster agency today.

Seriously, dial today. If not now, when?

"Hi, I'm interested in becoming a safe home for kids in our community who need a home. Can you tell me what I need to do to get certified as a foster parent?"

Resources I have found to be of great help along this journey.

  1. Pray and then act. If you've prayed then it's time to move forward, but my guess is, you already know that.
  2. For me, Jason Johnson’s blog has been one of the greatest resources both for the mind and for the heart. I think anyone interested in this path will find something there that will give encouragement and direction.

  3. Wrapping Around Foster and Adoptive Families

  4. Everyone Can Do Something by Jason Johnson

  5. Becoming Home by Jedd Medefind

  6. Reframing Fostercare Jason Johnson

  7. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.

  8. The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph. D.

  9. Dancing with a Porcupine Jennie Lynn Owens

  10. Read more about our journey into foster care.
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